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Why " Art Flow"?

為什麼叫 "藝術心流" ?

"Flow" is a concept in positive psychology introduced by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. It describes a state of complete immersion and engagement in an activity, where individuals lose their sense of time and self-consciousness, and experience deep enjoyment and fulfillment. This state is often referred to as being "in the zone." Flow occurs when there's a perfect balance between the challenge of the task and the skill level of the individual, leading to optimal performance and intrinsic motivation.

Art is an excellent medium for achieving a state of flow. Engaging in artistic activities, such as painting, drawing, or sculpting, requires focused attention and allows individuals to fully immerse themselves in the creative process. The act of creating art involves a balance between skill and challenge; as artists push their boundaries and refine their techniques, they experience a continuous sense of progression and mastery.

Art also provides immediate feedback through visual progress, which helps maintain the flow state. The tactile and sensory aspects of art-making, such as the feel of a brush on canvas or the texture of clay, further enhance the immersive experience. Additionally, art allows for self-expression and emotional release, which can lead to a deeper connection with the activity.

The combination of concentration, skill development, sensory engagement, and emotional expression makes art a powerful tool for achieving flow. It not only fosters creativity and innovation but also promotes mental well-being by providing a fulfilling and enjoyable experience.Have you ever thought about becoming an artist? It was once my dream job. Being an artist was once deemed impossible. But, fate plays the determining role and captures me to this dream job again after so many years of science and medical training.

「心流」是積極心理學中的一個概念,由米哈里·契克森米哈賴(Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)提出。它描述了一種完全沉浸和專注於某項活動的狀態,個體會失去時間感和自我意識,並體驗到深深的享受和滿足感。這種狀態通常被稱為「進入狀態」。當任務的挑戰與個體的技能水平完美平衡時,就會出現心流狀態,這會導致最佳表現和內在動機。




Love and passion

Let your love and passion for art guide you into the beautiful state of flow.


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©2021 by Art Flow Co.
Tsuen Wan Nan Fung Centre 2101H

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